I like the premise. This article touches on evolutionary biology, the evolution of humans as an increasingly empathic species with that empathy increased by technology, the Internet, et al. What I find particularly interesting about this article are the Buddhist ideas of Karma, right action, respect and protection of all sentient life, couched in science-friendly terms.
The only part of this article that I disagree with strongly is that there is no empathy in utopia, because utopia is perfect and without problem and hence empathy is not required. Who says utopia has to be perfect? I think our path as humans is to grow and develop through challenge. Utopia in my opinion is conscience evolution of woman-kind through our life challenges. Still it is thinking along the lines of evolving conscience civilization rather than the doom and gloom story posited by some. Homo-Empathicus from Homo-Sapien, love it!
Prepare the ground work for an Empathic Civilization; yes, lets.