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Raja's Blog
Friday, January 14, 2011
When I was a kid the Buddhist used to say, that heaven and hell were states of mind. I think I accepted things like that as a big sealed box. Accepting it but never bothering to peer inside.
Lately I've been wondering how many of the obstacles and the challenges in my life have been my own creations. When I dream, I am sometimes aware of myself as the generator of the things that I am dreaming. Like the awesomest Holo-deck from Star Trek. My thoughts, hopes and fears are communicated to my shadowy subconscious which then obligingly produces the images of my dream. I've noticed that it is easier to attract fears than hopes in my dreams. This is a polarity that I am hoping to shift.
I am beginning to wonder how much of what we feel, what we hear, what we taste, smell, see, sense is a product of the current chemical makeup of our bodies. Does the world seem different when we are hungry? frightened? loved and embraced? respected? How much of what happens to us in our lives is our own creation? Like the dreamer talking to the subconscious of the universe. Is there truly nothing to fear but fear itself?
When I was a kid the Buddhist used to say that heaven and hell were states of mind. That we could exists in many million different heavens and hells simultaneously. That the goal of being is to improve our life condition and to bring our being into harmonious alignment. I say, become one pointed in your dream. If you must fear, use that fear to become the master of your dream. Face it! ... and dream big.
With Love, Raja Afrika