Raja Afrika of the Afrika 8
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Raja's Blog
Not All Who Wander Are Lost

The Manifestation of Collective Effort
Posted: Thursday, February 10, 2011

Creating something together. Websites for yoga teachers and holistic practitioners.As the creator of the WorldLightASP system I am in a unique position to watch each and every WorldLightASP website grow.

The process of watching a website grow from a skecth idea with a few web pages into a beautiful online resource is really something to behold.

Watching your website go from 'not listed' to 'Top of Google' or Bing makes me incredibly glad; and it's always a surprise. Time and again we'll sit together and spend a few hours flushing out the first draft of the website and after that first meeting 90% of people take a month off. When we sit down next, usually you are already on the first page of Google. I always say the same thing: 'Oh word? Nice! Now let's talk about how the site can make money.'

I take your suggestions and the lessons learned from each success story and build them into each new improvement. WorldLightASP is the manifestation of the collective effort of every user of the system. Poco a poco, we get better.

As this WorldLightASP idea grows, each of our websites grow; together.

Raja Afrika
Owner, programmer, enthusiast