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Raja's Blog
Saturday, April 5, 2014
Enlightenment. Reconnection with our original state, which is bliss. There are statements that I believe to be true. Statements that I see repeated evidence of in the material world. One of those statements is "As Above So Below," or that which is occurring in the macrocosm has reflections on microcosm.
When I do Yoga, I find that I have the capacity to ask better questions. I find that the questions that I asked myself "before yoga" were sometimes "barking up the wrong tree" entirely and finding answers to those questions would not have gotten me closer to my desire. Post Yoga I find that my mind works differently, I am calmer, more centered and as a result I ask different questions. I believe that Enlightenment must be the macrocosm of this experience; a perspective from which all things come into focus, enabling us to ask better questions.
So what is the purpose of life? Enlightenment, the journey to enlightenment, the work that comes after. When your own cup floweth over the blessing rain down on others.
I have always enjoyed teaching so I think I am supposed to be a teacher.
I have always enjoyed music so I think I am supposed to be a rocker.
I have always enjoyed talking to people, helping them, so I think I am supposed to be a therapist.
I have always enjoyed making money so I think I am supposed to be a capitalist.
I have always enjoyed travel so I think I am supposed to be an adventurer.
I have always enjoyed liberty and equality so I think I am supposed to be a social crusader.
I have always had insights into the nature of things past, present and future so I think I am supposed to be a seer.
I have always loved sex and love so I think I am supposed to be a lover.
I have always enjoyed expressing my warrior spirit so I think I am supposed to be a fighter.
I have always wanted to create a society based on principals that make sense to me and the community so I think I am supposed to be a leader.
So, Leader, Lover, Rocker, Fighter, Adventurer, Therapist, Capitalist, Seer, Crusader = ...What? Voltron
Equals a new way of life, carved out of this existing dross of repetition and scrabbling for survival. A new, glowing better way of being. Equals my life as proof that change is possible. I think my life's purpose is to be as awesome as I can figure out how to be and be an example to others in the process.